
Hi, My name is Said Al Faraby, and please check out my hometown, Lingga Island, and see this video


I received M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence from University of Amsterdam in 2015 under supervision of Ted Meeds. Before that I completed my B.Sc in Informatics from Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia.

While doing my master, I had a chance to work as research assistant (March 2014 - Feb 2015) in Data Science Research Center Amsterdam, working with Ted Meeds on a project called “Machine Learning in the Browser”. In the summer 2014 (July - Oct), I also did internship at Booking.com and was advised by Thanasis Noulas and Frans Oliehoek.

Working Experience

Since 2015, I’ve been working at School of Computing, Telkom University as lecturer, mainly teach Basic Algorithm and Programming, Machine Learning, Intro to NLP. I’m also a member of Intelligence, Computing, and Multimedia Research Group. Besides teaching I had a series of second appointment, at Student Affairs unit, Informatics Study Program, and now at the University Secretariat.


In my spare time I like to play with my kids (so far 2), I also try to read books, mostly non-fiction and self-help books (my reading list) . I love futsal too.